The Jacksonvatta Times-Herald
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Welcome to the Times-Herald Website
This newspaper is the largest and most popular in the United Bobbesian Republic. From sports to politics our staff writers are dedicated to bringing you news that's accurate and factual. As we say, "An informed citizen is a smart citizen."
Times-Herald/BTN Partnerships
Today, the world is more interconnected than ever before. To advance in this new age, the Times-Herald has partnered up with the Bobesian Television Network (BTN).

These two corporations were struggling seperately, but now are flourishing together and will ensure that the paper and network for Bobbesians are run and managed by Bobbesians.
The UBR Flag

Our Headquaters
In 1987 we opened our offices on 12th Street in Jacksonvatta. The paper had plenty of space but by 1993 it was expanding faster than anyone predicted. Soon an agreement was reached by the Times-Herald and the Assembly to build a new headquaters.

The Assembly was disbanded in 1996; before a single brick was laid. It was not until 1998 construction began, with Jacksonvatta mayor James Wilson conducting a huge welcoming ceremony.

After waiting 4 years, we have finally moved into our new offices located at 15 Newton Avenue. We hope we will remain here for generations to come.